That article was published by FrontPageMag on April 13th, 2009.
Part of that article was published in French by
Guysen International News in 2009 and on that blog in 2010.
A special thank to JB
Interview de Bat Ye'or sur le califat et l'Etat islamique/ISIS
Interview de Bat Ye’or sur les « migrants », l’Union européenne et Eurabia
Interview de Bat Ye’or sur les « migrants », l’Union européenne et Eurabia

Bat Ye'or: Yes, the French version is shorter.
I rewrote the book in French while I was staying at hospital with my daughter
who had been operated for cancer. I was absolutely exhausted and finally
collapsed: I just could not work any longer.

Remechmber that Eurabia was written primarily for an American, non-European
audience, based on an article published in a French Jewish journal Observatoire du monde juif
and which I didn’t know where to submit as it had become so long.
Fortunately my friend Shmuel
Trigano took it.
It was another friend, Andrew Bostom , an
American, who – after reading a translation on my site – insisted I make a book
of it.
He even found me an American literary agent.
I was flabbergasted by the success of the
Eurabia article, which took off like a rocket on the Internet and spread in
several languages at an incredible speed.
I never thought to publish it in
Europe – still less in Israel
– as I am pretty well boycotted as an author in European politically correct
circles, and especially by the French.
Bat Ye'or: Yes, it was published in 2008 and the
publisher had asked me for an updated version with the last events.
Bat Ye'or: Very well,
to my great surprise! First of all, it was the Israeli publisher who approached
me -- a rarity, as I usually have great difficulty finding a publisher. I
didn’t take his request seriously. It seemed so unreal, as I was preoccupied
with my daughter and her illness at the time, and with my book Islam and Dhimmitude in the United States ,
while my conference agenda was full with lectures in languages I’m not
comfortable in English and Italian. After the publication of the article and
the book Eurabia, I was invited to Israel to
participate in conferences, give interviews and even to go on TV.
I was
surprised at the success of Eurabia
as for me it was not a political theme but an historical research on the source
and mechanism of a fundamental and irreversible change in Europe ,
coupled with the contemporary expression of dhimmitude, my research theme since
thirty years. I had even suggested to some friends, who I would consider more
competent than me and with more time that they write the book. I would have
supplied them with all my documentation. But they refused, so I took in on
myself in spite of all. I never thought it would provoke such scandal.

Geert Wilders didn’t violate Dutch and European laws in exercising his freedom
of opinion. His movie, Fitna, which
David Miliband vilified without having seen it -- that’s the limit! -- reproduces
the Islamists’ own scenes and ’statements.
Second, forbidding entry
to a European MP for his opinions contravenes the European law and is an
affront to the Dutch people. It is grave, the EU is trying to cement a
crumbling unity.
Concerning the alleged
motive - incitement to hatred which would threaten public security-, the
British government wasn’t as punctilious during the Euro-Palestinian Kristallnach
where shouts were heard of “Death to the Jews!”, “Death to Israel ”, “Flee, you cowards, Kuffar
(“miscreant” in Arabic).”
Third, this event reveals
the extent of the Organisation of
the Islamic Conference (OIC) influence over Great Britain , and generally on the entire
political, media and cultural Europe .
What is also troubling
is the circumstance in which the decision was taken to cancel the showing and
the debate. I mean, when Lord Nazir Ahmed met with the Government Chief Whip of the House of Lords and
Leader of the House of Lords, representatives from the Muslim Council of
Britain, British Muslim Forum and other representatives from the British Muslim
community on January 23. Lord Ahmed had said he was
“appalled” a knighthood was given to Salman Rushdie, “a man who has not only
been abusive to Muslims, but also to Christians”. He welcomed Wilders’s ban as
“a victory for the Muslim community”. Is that banning a defeat for democracy?[iii]
Bat Ye'or: Yes, of course! But one is
forgetting that Eurabia is no longer Europe
and that we’ll always go in the direction of a more sharia-conform society.
This change, so marked in Britain ,
is the fruit of ten years of Blairism.
June 30, 2008, the Dutch Prosecutor had declared that Geert Wilders’s speeches
on Muslims didn’t justify any legal proceedings as they were inscribed in the
context of “a public debate”. On January 21, 2009, the Amsterdam Court of
Appeal, referred to by plaintiffs, ordered the Prosecutor to bring proceedings
against Wilders for “hate and discrimination” and in the “general interest”:
“Muslim believers were insulted by Geert Wilders’s comparing Islam with Nazism”.
On February 3, Geert Wilders said he will appeal to the Supreme Court…

If we admit our nature is satanic,
we legitimize the war led against us and the dhimmitude which aims to remove
our capacity to cause harm, through our subjection and vulnerability. By doing
so, we too accept that one religion – Islam – is superior to all others, with
its right to decree Good and Evil, and its divine election for world governance.
It is therefore imperative not to
conceal those assertions, and necessary to denounce them, for silence implies consent.
In addition, if Muslims
feel insulted by Geert Wilders’s remarks, they should admit that Jews,
Christians and other non-Muslims feel the same by religious texts which criminalize
them and doom them all to Hell.
But, they don’t admit
so, because the Koran, unlike the Bible, is uncreated, consubstantial with the
divine nature, and therefore cannot include errors. Its judgments are without
appeal, not subject to any criticism and as true as Allah. In other words, we
should not feel insulted by the denunciation of our demoniac nature, for it is
the Truth itself. We should admit it, rather, and improve ourselves by
Wilders’s action is inserted in a religious and political debate that a
majority of Europeans asks for and is refused by their governments and the EU. These
Europeans feel their own governments betray and fight them, whereas elected to
be the guardians of their values and freedoms. It is a very serious situation, particularly
now in this recessionary period, and could lead to excesses.
Wilders has become the transformed herald of that widespread discontent.
Pilgrim of Law and Freedom, sentenced to death by a law foreign to Europeans
and which appalls the human conscience, Geert Wilders goes from one country to
another, unarmed, alone, courageously facing up to governments influenced by
the OIC’s occult power to tell people : “Wake up, it’s five to midnight!”
when you learn of the disproportionate reaction to his message in an atmosphere
of witch-hunts against freethinkers and intellectuals, in the shameful Euro-Palestinian
Kristallnacht sweeping across Europe
with impunity, shouting hate and death, it is in fact one to midnight.
Wilders has toured in the United
States for a showing of his movie. Did you
meet him?
Bat Ye'or: Yes, as luck would have it, our paths crossed, at New York . I didn’t know
he was there, and I had been invited to lecture at Columbia University .
My husband and I dined with him and his companions. I admire his courage and
his devotion to Europe ’s basic freedoms
against the irresistible Eurabian tide, represented especially by the Left –
though not only. Wilders does not stand-alone; there are many Muslims and
apostates at the forefront of this struggle and who risk their lives with
remarkable abnegation.
I hope that someday a book will come out on this
struggle and these friends of freedom, of respect for the human being, for
democracy, and that Europeans will acknowledge their debt to those who have
come from other parts and freely chosen to offer the best of themselves. I’m
thinking especially of the Anglican canon and writer Patrick Sookhdeo , a
good friend, whose books are fiercely criticized, in spite of the quality of
the information he provides and of the arguments he puts forward; or Sam Salomon with his
impeccable scholarship, or Mohammed Sifaoui, and so many others.
Senator Jon Kyl decided to screen Fitna in the Capitol. Muslim
Congressman Keith Ellison protested against that screening. He said “it is inappropriate to use the
United States Capitol as a venue for the condemnation of an entire religion.” That same day, Senator John Kerry was to
hold a hearing entitled, “Engaging with Muslim Communities around the World”.
Wilders proposed a European First Amendment…
Bat Ye'or: The trouble is that one just has to face up to the
fact that there are negative opinions in Muslim writings on Jews, Christians
and other non-Muslims. And it is pertinent, for they determine the aggressive
policies and behavior of Muslim peoples. If we want to achieve peace, we cannot
hide these uncomfortable aspects: they must be exposed and discussed. If
Muslims don’t want to hear about it or discuss the issues, that’s their
problem; but they cannot stop Westerners getting to know these writings that
concern them all too directly, and to act accordingly.
The EU condemned the
“disproportionate Israeli response” to Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians. What
do you think of that unanimous position against the Cast Lead Operation targeting
an Islamist terrorist organization?
Bat Ye'or: The
Israeli defensive reply to continuing attacks from the Gaza Strip revealed a wide
phenomenon, of unequal amplitude, totalitarian by its extent, coherence and
coordination by the EU institutions.
Are you speaking of the
pro-Hamas demonstrations?
Bat Ye'or: Not
only the demonstrations, political speeches, biased information, academic
boycott, hostility towards Jewish pupils, -- Palestinianized Europe revealed with an extraordinary cohesion and
uniformity its repulsion for Israel ,
a democracy that defends its citizens and territory against the assaults of
jihadist terrorism.
movement is part of the EU-OIC network -- States, international organizations,
universities, media, books, NGOs, all denying the causes of terrorism --, which
infuses dhimmitude through their numerous capillaries through all pores of the
is the future of Europe , which only functions in
that perspective.
During the Cast Lead
Operation, thousands of people participated in pro-Hamas rallies all
over the US , Canada , Europe ,
etc. You compare those hateful demonstrations with Kristnallnacht. Why?
Bat Ye'or: It was the same hatred, the same violence. The “commandos”, mainly
Muslims, were well surrounded by leftist Europeans and politicians. They
sported the Palestinian killers’ kuffieh, symbol of Europe’s destruction, just
as the Nazi symbols were worn, rallying signs of a policy intent on the
destruction of Judaism and which covered Europe
in ashes.
Bat Ye'or: The
OIC is a transnational organization which gathers 57 Muslim states or with a
majority of Muslims, and 1.3 billion Muslims.
unique in its conception and goals: like the Caliphate, it unites political,
religious and legislative powers.
aims at unifying the world Oumma by taking its roots in the Koranic and Sunna
values and teachings.
could say that the OIC is the antithesis of the EU which promotes the
separation of politics and religion, secular law, secular political life and
international relations. Like the EU, the OIC includes many institutions, among
them an International Islamic Court of Justice and a Permanent Commission of
Human Rights[iv]
based on the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam (1990).
These institutions and all the OIC organs have to comply with Islamic values and Sharia injunctions.
emergence of the Caliphate explains Turkey ’s tougher stance. The
current Islamist government of Turkey ,
a country which, for almost five centuries, had been the seat of the Caliphate,
is to get a prominent role in the universal Oumma leadership.
The OIC wants
“blasphemy” or “defamation of religion” as well as “Islamophobia” to be
condemned by international organizations, and to prevent any critical discussion of Islam[v]. Why? What are the consequences of that privileged status?

entry in the GB to Geert Wilders expresses Prime Minister Gordon Brown support
to the OIC’s claims.
is not limited by critical discussion of Islam as a religion, but it also includes all the
aspects of Muslim immigration in Europe , laws
on asylum, the status of migrants, their political, religious, social and
religious rights, as well as security and anti-terrorist measures in the West.
It has to be emphasized that the EU
governments which promoted a peace based on multiculturalism and
multilateralism, welcome very favorably the OIC interferences in all those
It seems difficult to
define blasphemy in concrete terms. Does it concern divinity? Faith? The
conglomerate of religious beliefs and superstitions stratified by centuries, or
the resulting laws?
Due to the religious
indifference in the West, the notion of blasphemy has become obsolete.
But, it seems that the OIC pressures to impose it again in the international organizations and in daily life of Europeans have brought us back to the Middle-Ages.
What is the link
between demanding respect for Islam, which is included in blasphemy, and
Bat Ye'or: That
demand is one of the pillars of dhimmitude.
inspired a great number of Islamic laws with no equivalence in Christendom.
Those laws were intended to establish the supremacy of Islam in the dhimmis’
slightest daily behavior.
irreligious Europe can imagine living in the 21st
century; it evolves in fact in the static strategic conception UE/OIC dating 8th
century: jihad (dar al-harb).
On January 14, representatives of
the 24 States’ Parliaments of the OIC condemned in Istanbul
(Turkey )
the Cast Lead Israeli Operation in the Gaza Strip and demanded an immediate
Bat Ye'or: More
than the fight against Islamophobia, the fight against Israel shares a central place in
the OIC policy.
article 21 of its Charter (March, 2008) plans the relocation of its
headquarters from Djeddah to al-Qods, name given to Jerusalem by Arab colonization[vii].
that perspective, al-Qods was named as the capital of Arab culture in
The OIC is entirely dominated
by the Muslim Brotherhood spirit. It supports not only Hamas, but also all
Muslim insurgency groups considered as forms of resistance and liberation
against “occupation, humiliation and oppression” on the Palestinian pattern.
It supports the Muslims’
fight in the South Philippines, in the “occupied” Kashmir, in the South
Thailand, as well as the Muslim minorities’ interests in the Myanmar Republic ,
in India , in Western Thrace
(Greece ) and the Muslim’s
ones in the Balkans, in the Caucasus, China ,
Kosovo, “Palestine ”, the Muslim Turkish people
in Cyprus , of Azerbaijan [viii]
against “the Armenian aggression”.
Faithful to the jihadist
interpretation of international relations, OIC can only qualify the Israel
existence and its defensive war as an aggression[ix].
Besides, western media used words “Israeli aggression against
The 8th Islamic
Conference of Ministers of Information issued the “Rabat Declaration” which
stressed a common Islamic action in the media[x]. We must keep in mind the
Islamic Mass Media Charter (Jakarta , 1980) which
is very different from the Declaration of Duties and Rights of Journalists (Munich , 1971). The “Rabat
Declaration” condemned Israel ’s
“arbitrary limitations to prevent journalists from informing about massacres
and demolitions”[xi].
Bat Ye'or: At The Mecca Summit
(December, 2005), OIC issued recommendations, among them several concerning
media and development of a media strategy including an intellectual and
humanist narrative to which international journalists would be associated[xii].
committee composed of VIPs stayed up to define goals and topics of that
campaign. It proposed to condemn expressions like “war against terrorism”,
“Islamic terrorism”, and advocated drawing the attention of the
international community to the dangers posed by Zionism, neo-conservatism, and
radical Christian evangelism, as well as Jewish, Hindu and secular extremism,
in the context of international affairs and terrorism. The committee pushed the
notion that terrorism derives from poverty humiliation and despair.
Those OIC and its
organs’ media themes, such as ISESCO (Islamic Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization), are propitiatorily recited by western politicians
and journalists – in a nutshell, there is a perfect symbiosis between OIC and
some EU official trends, especially those attached to the countless Dialogues,
Forums and Alliances which make up the UE/OIC co-governance network.

Bat Ye'or: The problem was that the OIC and the
West did not have the same definition of terrorism. The jihadists who attack in
Israel , Jammu
and Kashmir , Armenia
and elsewhere, are called “resistance fighters against the occupation” in the
pure jihad tradition that requires the expansion of the Land of Islam .
The West has ceded yet again to the IOC demands, whose purpose is to outlaw
criticism of Islam.
What are the effects of
the OIC resolutions upon the EU?
policy is in line with the European strategy to promote an international order
based on multilateralism, international organizations and first of all the
United Nations.
OIC and its clients or allies, in particular the Non-Aligned Movement
set up majorities in international
organizations, so we can say we are coming into the era of the worldwide power
of the Caliphate, a success which Europe may proudly claim, as it has largely
contribute to it.
In February 19, 2009, Thomas
Hammarberg, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, “expressed
serious concerns about the application of the Sharia Law concerning family and
inheritance matters to Muslim Greek citizens in Thrace , by Muftis appointed by the
Greek state”. “Given the issues of incompatibility of this practice with
European and international human rights standards, it is necessary to overhaul
this practice and strengthen the substantive review and control by domestic
courts of the Muftis’ judicial decisions”, Hammarberg said[xix]…
Bat Ye'or: I agree with Hammarberg, but with the spread of the Muslim population
across Europe and the reinforcement of the
OIC’s power, it is clear that we are heading towards an Islamization of
European law and culture. The OIC is asking Greece to take all necessary
measures to respect the rights and the cultural identity of Greek Muslims, and
this includes religious laws and the sharia.
Muslim “Bridges TV” founder Muzzammil Hassan
beheaded his wife, Aasiya Z. Hassan. He is suspected to have committed an honor
Dozens of women are murdered in honor killings every year in Sharia-ruled Chechnya [xxi];
that is contrary to the Russian constitution. In her recent remarkable in-depth
study Phyllis Chesler
distinguishes honor killings from
domestic violence[xxii].
How do you explain so many people are reluctant to correctly qualify honor
killings in West? Is it because of ignorance?
Bat Ye'or: No, it is self-censorship.
Since he took his oath
as “Barack Hussein Obama” in January 21, 2009, President Barack Obama has
revealed his personal links to Islam[xxiii].
In his inaugural address, he defined America as “a nation of Christians and Muslims,
Jews and Hindus - and non-believers.”, which downgraded American
Jews, and was spiritually and historically untrue[xxiv].

President Obama decided that the US should join
the planning of the UN's Durban II "anti-racism" Conference[xxix]. In February, 2009, the US decided not to take part in that
UN-led conference[xxx]. The Obama
administration is seeking a seat on the biased U.N. Human Rights Council.
President Obama is surrounded by pro-Oslo process[xxxi] officials, such as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. He has also appointed leaders known for their anti-Israel bias: Samantha Power[xxxii] a senior foreign policy advisor, and George Mitchell[xxxiii] as his Special Envoy for the
What do you think of all those
troubling facts?
Bat Ye'or: President Obama and all his team share the European illusions that
complacency, tributes, smiles and concessions to terrorist gangs will maintain
the peace.
Everyone wants peace, but we have to know how far we can go without
founding ourselves enslaved to dhimmitude. Dhimmitude
means peace and security but in submission.
We must learn to appreciate the freedoms that we
have taken for granted and that we are on the verge of losing.
[i] http://www.geertwilders.nl/
Fitna, Marh 27, 2008, http://www.ajm.ch/wordpress/?p=1028
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part I, October 5, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/022975.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 2, October 6, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/022985.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 3, October 8, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023016.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 4, October 11, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023061.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 5, October 14, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023091.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 6, October 21, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023183.php
Fitzgerald: Geert Wilders, right-wing politician, April 2, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/020538.php
Jamie Glazov ,
In Defense of Wilders, January 22, 2009,
Man of the Year: Geert Wilders, January 2, 2009, http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=566CA4DC-243C-4A02-8789-D9BE634E9698
Geert Wilders, February 13, 2009, http://news.parliament.uk/2009/02/geert-wilders/
Philip Johnston, Whatever happened to free speech?, February 12, 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/philipjohnston/4604985/Whatever-happened-to-free-speech.html
The House of Lords Speech: What Wilders Would Have Said If the UK Allowed Free Speech, February 13, 2009, http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org/2009/02/the-house-of-lords-speech-what-wilders%e2%80%99-would-have-said-if-the-uk-allowed-free-speech/
The International Free Press Society, An Open Letter to the Government of the UK, February 12, 2009, http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org/2009/02/an-open-letter-to-the-government-of-the-uk/
Joan Clements, Geert Wilders to sue Jacqui Smith over decision to deport controversial film-maker, February 13, 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/4612257/Geert-Wilders-to-sue-Jacqui-Smith-over-decision-to-deport-controversial-film-maker.html
Isabel Oakeshott, Home secretary Jacqui Smith scared of walking London alone, January 20, 2008, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article3216678.ece
Nervous street walking, January 20, 2008, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/leading_article/article3216612.ece
Robert Spencer ,
Double standard: LePen is welcome in Britain, Wilders is not, February 14,
2009, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024840.php
Fitna, Marh 27, 2008, http://www.ajm.ch/wordpress/?p=1028
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part I, October 5, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/022975.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 2, October 6, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/022985.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 3, October 8, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023016.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 4, October 11, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023061.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 5, October 14, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023091.php
Spencer interviews Geert Wilders, Part 6, October 21, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023183.php
Fitzgerald: Geert Wilders, right-wing politician, April 2, 2008, http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/020538.php
Man of the Year: Geert Wilders, January 2, 2009, http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=566CA4DC-243C-4A02-8789-D9BE634E9698
Geert Wilders, February 13, 2009, http://news.parliament.uk/2009/02/geert-wilders/
Philip Johnston, Whatever happened to free speech?, February 12, 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/philipjohnston/4604985/Whatever-happened-to-free-speech.html
The House of Lords Speech: What Wilders Would Have Said If the UK Allowed Free Speech, February 13, 2009, http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org/2009/02/the-house-of-lords-speech-what-wilders%e2%80%99-would-have-said-if-the-uk-allowed-free-speech/
The International Free Press Society, An Open Letter to the Government of the UK, February 12, 2009, http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org/2009/02/an-open-letter-to-the-government-of-the-uk/
Joan Clements, Geert Wilders to sue Jacqui Smith over decision to deport controversial film-maker, February 13, 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/4612257/Geert-Wilders-to-sue-Jacqui-Smith-over-decision-to-deport-controversial-film-maker.html
Isabel Oakeshott, Home secretary Jacqui Smith scared of walking London alone, January 20, 2008, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article3216678.ece
Nervous street walking, January 20, 2008, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/leading_article/article3216612.ece
[ii] Bat Ye’or, Geert Wilders and the
Fight for Europe , Does
defending Western values constitute “inciting hatred”?, February
16, 2009, http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZGVhOWZlNjk4N2E0NDk1NDgwYWRhNzlhMTdmNWZlNjI=
[iii] Douglas Murray, Government bans Dutch MP Geert Wilders from
entering Britain
after Muslim leaders threaten to organise mob protest, February 11, 2009, http://conservativehome.blogs.com/centreright/2009/02/government-bans.html
Britten, Lord Ahmed admits sending text message while driving just before
fatal crash, December 2, 2008, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/labour/3539830/Lord-Ahmed-admits-sending-text-message-while-driving-just-before-fatal-crash.html
APP, British Parliament Calls Off
Screening Of Controversial Film, January 23, 2009, http://www.app.com.pk/en_/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=65842&Itemid=2
Thomas Landen, Muslims in the
Lords, January 26, 2009, http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/3765
[iv] First
Informal Consultative Meeting On The Establishment Of The OIC Human Rights
Commission Is Held In Jeddah, February 15, 2009, http://www.oic-oci.org/topic_detail.asp?t_id=1889&x_key=
[v] Janet Levy, The Erosion of Free
Speech, July 4, 2008,
Patrick Goodenough, Muslim
Leaders Want UN to Outlaw 'Defamation', February 21, 2006, http://www.cnsnews.com/ForeignBureaus/Archive/200602/FOR20060221b.html
According to the ACLJ (American Center
for Law & Justice), 92.421 people signed its petition opposing the OIC,
ECLJ (European Center for Law & Justice, http://www.eclj.org/index.html), “Combating Defamation of Religions” Submission to the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, June 2008,
ECLJ (European Center for Law & Justice, http://www.eclj.org/index.html), “Combating Defamation of Religions” Submission to the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, June 2008,
Bob Unruh, U.N. scheme to make Christians criminals, Sharia-following Islamic
nations demanding anti-'defamation' law, July 10,
[vi] OIC issues declaration condemning Israeli violence in Gaza , January
16, 2009,
[vii] http://www.oic-oci.org/is11/english/Charter-en.pdf
[viii] Message
of H.E Secretary General to the opening ceremony of the year "Baku – capital of Islamic
culture-2009, February 19, 2009, http://www.oic-oci.org/topic_detail.asp?t_id=1925&x_key=
[ix] The OIC
Secretary General welcomes the resolution adopted by the UN human rights
council condemning Israel`s agression and human rights violations in Gaza, January 13, 2009,
[x] Ouverture à Rabat des travaux de la réunion préparatoire
à la 8ème session de la Conférence islamique des Ministres de l’Information, January 25, 2009,
8th Session of
the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers to be held in Rabat, January 21, 2009, http://www.oic-oci.org/topic_detail.asp?t_id=1819&x_key=
AFP, Maroc: les ministres de l'Information des pays islamiques incités à la modernité, January 27, 2009, http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hwp_z2qlJBIiysUzPjkQwzCmmH8Q
AFP, Maroc : appel islamique pour réaliser « l’unité du peuple palestinien », January 28, 2009, http://www.la-croix.com/afp.static/pages/090128190438.xgww1mo7.htm
Richard Landes, Mideast Journalism’s Public Secret and the News We Get, November 11, 2007, http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/mideast_journalisms_public_sec/?print=1
AFP, Maroc: les ministres de l'Information des pays islamiques incités à la modernité, January 27, 2009, http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hwp_z2qlJBIiysUzPjkQwzCmmH8Q
AFP, Maroc : appel islamique pour réaliser « l’unité du peuple palestinien », January 28, 2009, http://www.la-croix.com/afp.static/pages/090128190438.xgww1mo7.htm
Richard Landes, Mideast Journalism’s Public Secret and the News We Get, November 11, 2007, http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/mideast_journalisms_public_sec/?print=1
[xi] Déclaration des devoirs et des droits
des journalistes, Munich ,
Islamic Mass Media Charter, 1980, http://www.media-accountability.org/library/Islamic_Media_code.doc
Islamic Mass Media Charter, 1980, http://www.media-accountability.org/library/Islamic_Media_code.doc
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